- Drumstick(Moringa)

Sourced from tropical regions of India, Drumsticks are staple in any Indian household. The plant contains an assemblage of characteristics; its green, nutritious from leaf to pod and can be consumed in a variety of ways.

Drumstick, Sahjan, Saragvo, or Moringa Oleifera, that derives its name from a Tamil word, Murungai, meaning twisted pod is no regular vegetable, in fact, it is a power-packed super food.
The excellent therapeutic values and high nutrition content of drumstick are quite shocking as it has got almost all minerals, vitamins, and proteins in a remarkable quantity. Even its roots that taste like horseradish, flowers, seeds and stems are recognized to have got therapeutic qualities. Drumsticks are great for developing stronger bones, blood purification, respiratory disorders, pregnancy and lactation, lung problems and much more.
The juice of Moringa leaves is said to be an excellent cure for earaches, headache, diarrhea, anemia, difficult menses, eye diseases and so on.