Grapes are delicious and versatile fruits that grow in clusters on vines belonging to the Vitaceae family.

Grapes come in a variety of colors, including green, red, black, and purple, with each color having a slightly different taste profile. The skin is thin and edible, while the flesh contains one to several small seeds, although seedless varieties are also popular.
These fruits are not only delightful to eat on their own but are also used to make various products such as raisins, wine, grape juice, and grape jelly. Grapes are known for their natural sweetness, making them a healthier alternative to sugary snacks.
In addition to their appealing taste, grapes are packed with nutrients. They are a good source of vitamins C and K, as well as antioxidants like resveratrol, which may have various health benefits. Grapes also contain dietary fiber, contributing to digestive health.